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Cómo limpiar cuero con moho con este definitivo y simple truco Cómo limpiar cuero con moho con este definitivo y simple truco

How to clean moldy leather with this definitive and simple trick

Mold on your leather garments?

Learn step by step how to clean it

If you've come this far, you have a mold problem with your leather items. Don't worry because barring a catastrophe, with the tricks that I indicate below you will be able to recover your leather garments and leave them as the first day.

Under the right conditions, mold can grow on both synthetic and natural surfaces. Humidity and poor ventilation are a suitable breeding ground for mold and other fungi.

Leather is a very resistant product in terms of use, but at the same time delicate with certain types of chemicals or cleaning products, so you must take special care when treating it. One bad choice and you can ruin your leather garment.

How to remove mold from leather

Step by Step


Find a place outdoors that is ventilated so as not to breathe in the mold and spores that may be released. If you can use a mask, better.


Now we are going to need a soft bristle brush. We have to rub dry vigorously but without focusing too much on the same area so as not to damage the skin.


Once scrubbed, it is advisable to vacuum it so that the mold spores do not disperse into the air, and change the bag or clean the vacuum cleaner tank.


Mix a little neutral soapy cleanser with warm water and stir vigorously to generate foam. This foam is what we are going to apply to the leather with a slightly damp cloth and rub gently. We remove any excess foam and dry with a clean, dry cloth. Then we let it dry in a ventilated place.

soapy leather cleaner

Degreases and cleans, respecting the skin's finish.


We mix water and denatured or isopropyl alcohol equally. Be careful, DO NOT USE normal ethyl alcohol. This may possibly damage our leather since it is a very abrasive product. Clean the entire leather item with a cloth moistened with this mixture, which will kill any fungi that may have stuck to the leather. Once we have gone over the entire surface, we must let it dry very well.


Finally, apply a neutral and colorless protective cream to the product that, in addition to returning its natural shine, will protect it from other external elements such as the sun, cold, etc... and you will enjoy your leather product as if it were new.

protective wax for leather

Keep your leather garments like the first day

Recommendations for storing leather

Before saying goodbye I wanted to give you one last interesting tip for storing your leather products or garments.


Avoid storing them in humid places with poor ventilation, they are the ideal breeding ground for fungi.


From time to time air or expose leather products to the sun. The Sun is an excellent help to kill mold


Check them from time to time to check that no fungus has appeared. It is easier to kill them in their first expansion phase. Once rooted, it is more difficult to get rid of them, or they can even permanently damage the leather.

I hope this article on how to cleanse your skin of fungus has been useful to you. If you have any questions, I'll read you in the comments.

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